Toddington Village Hall, Stow Road, Toddington, Glos GL54 5DU

Saturday 18th August 2018
10.00am ~ 4.00pm

Link to our Facebook page

Friday, 8 April 2011

Posters & Postcards

Thank you so much to all those lovely vintage addicts who have already booked a space ~ you should by now have received a confirmation from me that your booking forms have been safely received.

Postcards and posters are currently being printed and should be available in the next couple of weeks. All stallholders will automatically receive a bundle of the postcards to start giving away. If you need more, just let me know!

I will also have a small quantity of larger sized posters (approx A4 size) suitable for shop windows and displays ~ the design is shown below. If you would like to have one ~ please let me know. All part of spreading the word! The design for the banner on this blog is the same for the promotional postcards, except of course there will be text on the reverse with all the necessary details!

You can copy either of these images from the blog to add as buttons/links on your own blogs or websites. If you need specially re~sized images, do let me know and I can email them to you.

Until next time,